Archish Kashikar | Culinary Research Associate
Archish is a research chef, educator, and mead-maker with a rich and versatile skill set that spans across culinary research and product innovation. Currently in charge of product innovation at Moonshine Meadery, he began his career as a chef before discovering a passion for teaching. As a former culinary production instructor at IHM Mumbai, Archish has significantly influenced aspiring chefs. He later pursued a Master’s degree in Food Studies, an interdisciplinary program that explores agriculture, food systems, and consumption through various socio-economic and cultural lenses. During his studies, he developed a specialty in food history and culinary identities, which now play a pivotal role in his work with The Locavore. Here, he is dedicated to documenting, preserving, and spotlighting the rich culinary heritage of the Indian subcontinent, fueled by his passion for indigenous food history and culture.